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Conservation of the Environment in communities of the nations


Conservation of the Environment in communities of the nations

Conservation of the Environment in communities of the nations Promising Practice Chile

Project Number: CHL565_06

Country: Chile
Type of Organisation: Local Authority
Thematic Areas: Environmental Management
Social Services
Classification: Promising Practice

The present proyecy is designed to be replaced in the schools in the World.

 hopind to give values around plus the natural ritchness of each comunity for preservation through the children who inhabit each


 We worked 3 hour weekly in each course, corresponding to the Plastics Arts from  5º to 8º primary school

 Three hours were used to work in every course, corresponding to the tour of the Plastis Arts in 5º to 8º primary school ( students of 10 to 14 years old )

 Project made by students in second degree in primary school from the school José María Muñoz Hermosilla de Los Lagos

 and the loca health department finaced this Project. Each course participated freely , designing images of their

 local place, with a value message from the media for the community.

 Informed from the task , they traveled through the urban area ,thinking about the work to present , considering the negative aspects

 that degradates our environment. Each group was formed by  4 students, a total of 14 urban images

 were presented to the teacher responsable for the proyect , the selected groups completed their work giving a message

 written for each design , the drowings were amplified  into 14 sections, completing a square , and it was used oleo to paint, to be

 the one that last more.

 The work has lasted thanks to the valoration and difution made by the local radio stations.

Allowing that this pice of art be admired by residents and visitors with the compromise of repairing it every two years.

Contact Person:

Hilda Flández Contreras
Municipality organization
P.O. Box: Ecuador Nº 251
The Lagos

Tel : 56-63-333164
Fax: 56-63-333165
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